Winning Blackjack
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Blackjack Tips

There’s more to blackjack than simply knowing the rules and playing the game. There are things you can do to increase your edge and have more fun playing the game. Below is our collection of must-read free blackjack tips. You’ll find a mix of strategy and etiquette advice that we highly recommend for blackjack players new and old.
  • One of the most important blackjack tips we have is that you should remember the object of the game is not to get closer to 21 than the dealer. The goal is to beat the dealer. Your total and the dealer’s up card determine how this is achieved. Your decisions to hit, stand, double down or split pairs is all an attempt to end up with a higher total than the dealer or hoping the dealer busts.
  • Feel free to take and use a blackjack strategy card at the casino. The casinos don’t mind and if you are new to basic strategy, it will keep you from making costly mistakes.
  • Watch and study players with big piles of chips. They must be doing something right!
  • Follow the rule of 30. Bet no more than 1/30 of your bankroll for the day on any given hand of blackjack, and you’ll likely be able to survive a period of continuous losses.
  • If the table allows it, surrender against a dealer 9, 10 or ace.
  • Don’t take insurance unless you are counting cards.
  • Don’t split 10s.
  • Always split Aces ad 8s, regardless of what the dealer is showing.
  • Double down on two card totals of:
    - 9 when the dealer is showing 3, 4, 5 or 6
    - 10 when the dealer is showing anything except a 10 or ace
    - 11 when the dealer is showing anything except an ace
  • Stand on hard 17 or more when the dealer’s face up card is 7 or lower.
  • Stand on hard 13 to 16 if the dealer’s face up card is 6 or lower and hit if the dealer’s card is 7 through ace.
  • Stand on hard 12 or more when the dealer’s up card is 4, 5 or 6.
  • Hit a hard 12 if the dealer is showing 2, 3, 7 or more.
  • Hit until you have 17 or more against a dealer 10.
  • Hit on a soft 17 when the dealer shows 10.
  • To win standing on 17 usually depends on the dealer busting. You can’t bust on a soft hand with one hit so:
    - hit soft 13 to soft 17 when the dealer shows 7 or more.
    - Always hit soft 13 to 17 on hands of 3 or more cards.
    - Double down with a two card soft 13 to 17 when dealer shows 5 or 6.
    - Double down a soft 17 when dealer shows 3.
    - Double down a soft 15 to 17 when dealer shows a 4.
    - Most will stand on soft 18, but in the long run it may be better to hit a soft 18 against a dealer 9, 10 or ace and stand on soft 18 when the dealer shows 2, 7 or 8 and double down when the dealer shows 3, 4, 5 or 6.
    - Stand on soft 19 or more.
  • Playing two hands at the same time will not give you any kind of edge. You get the same results if two different players played each hand using the same strategy.
  • Your position at the table will not provide you with any edge. If you are counting cards, you’ll want to sit at third base so that you’ll see more cards in play before you have to make your play decision. Then, you’ll need to know how to use that information to make your playing decision.
Although blackjack is a simple game, winning at blackjack is not. To be a successful blackjack player you must consider not only blackjack rules and strategy, but practical real world blackjack tips like the ones above. On your next trip to the casino or your next online blackjack game, try out some of these winning blackjack tips and see what happens. Don’t take our word for it; put our advice to the test!

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