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Winning Blackjack Tournaments

Casinos offer tournaments in all kinds of casino games, including blackjack. You’ll often see more tournaments during the winter. Blackjack tournaments can be a lot of fun, but make sure you have a strategy before you take the plunge. Tournaments offer a new twist to the game, allowing players to compete against each other instead of the dealer. Here's what you need to know to play a winning blackjack tournament.

A typical tournament starts by assigning players to a particular table and giving all players the same bankroll. Play will continue for a specified number of hands or a period of time. When it’s over the player with the most money is the winner. Winners from the different tables compete against each other until there are 6 or 7 who compete for the grand prize.

There are usually two types of blackjack tournaments - elimination and non-elimination. In elimination tournaments, players play against each other. The player with the most money at the end advances and the others are eliminated. In non-elimination tournaments, players compete against all other players and the player with the most money at the end of several rounds wins. Elimination tournaments are more popular.

When you enter a tournament you must usually pay an entry fee. Most sponsoring casinos will return all the fees in the form of tournament prizes. You should make yourself aware of the size of the prize pool, the number of players that contribute to the prize pool and the entry fee. If the total of the prizes being given away is equal to the amount of the total entry fees, the casino is returning 100% to the players.

Sometimes the return to players is less than 100%, but it may include things like free rooms, meals and a gift. You can factor the value of these freebies into the total return percentage.

Don’t be afraid to call the host casino and ask them their return percentage. There are lots of blackjack tournaments that offer 100% returns, so don’t be afraid to look for another tournament.

Sometimes blackjack tournaments require you to put up your own money as your bankroll. Some tournaments use special chips, which are free. The bid cash prize tournaments usually require players to provide their own bankroll.

Strategies For Blackjack Tournaments
There are lots of opinions on how to play blackjack tournaments. In elimination tournaments, some players will bet big right from the start to win as much as they can early in the game Some like to bet conservatively and make big bets if necessary.

You should always try to keep an eye on how many chips the other players have. If you find yourself behind, you may have to change your betting strategy to catch up.

When you are in the lead, you should bet the same amounts as the players who are trying to catch you. This way if you both win or both lose, they won’t catch you.

The final hands of the tournament are the most important ones. This is where many have failed by not betting correctly in the home stretch. Your bets in these final hands determine if you are first or last and not if you are getting ahead or falling behind. At this point many tournament players take on an all or nothing approach and may even bet their entire bankroll on a single hand. If no one can get you by putting all their money on one hand, then you should make the minimum bet. The best position to be in is to bet last in the final round.

If you are required to bet first, and an opponent could catch you by making the maximum bet and winning, then you should also make a maximum bet. If no one is able to catch you by betting all their chips, then just bet the minimum. Betting last on the final hand is the best position to be in. This lets you see how your opponents bet and how much they would get if they won the final hand.

Players tend to make crazy plays on the final hand in an effort to overtake the leader. You’ll see wild stuff like players doubling down on a 10//7 to get more money to catch the leader. People have been known to double down on a blackjack hand. The 3 to 2 pay out wouldn’t have been enough, but the 2 to 1 on the double was!

In some casinos you’ll find cheaper tournaments with entry fees of less than $50 that use tournament chips. These are a good way to get started and see what blackjack tournaments are all about. If you think you are ready for the more expensive tournaments, you should check out Stanford Wong’s - Tournament Blackjack, a software program to help you practice and develop your playing skills on your computer.

Recommended Online Blackjack Tournament: offers free online blackjack tournaments every two weeks. Compete against other online blackjack players and win real casino credits. They also offer tournaments in roulette, craps, video poker and slots. Check it out, it's the place for online blackjack tournaments.

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